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Ben Pakulski - The Scientific and Cutting Edge Approach To Building Lean Muscle Mass

Posted by Euphory Girl on Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Ben Pakulski - The Scientific and Cutting Edge Approach To Building Lean Muscle Mass
MI40: What is this program about?
The MI40 is a workout program designed by Ben Pakulski, professional fitness coach and body builder. With this program, anyone that has enough will can twice their muscles in half the time, thanks to an excellent combination of practices developed by Ben during years of professional body builder experience.

MI40 means Mass Intention 40. It is a successful training package of 40 days that includes nutritional information, training exercises and 8 hours of practical videos that explain how to perform every exercise. “Build twice the muscle in half the time,” asserts Ben Pakulski. “Double your muscle gains, remodel weak bodyparts, smash every plateau and reveal your abs at the same time.”

Who is Mi40 for?
This program is for anyone who wants to effectively gain muscles and lose fat during an intense period of 6 weeks, 6 days a week.

It is mainly targeted at individuals that have some previous experience on this kind of training and who want to gain a professional fitness or pro bodybuilder physique. Since it is very intense, it is not recommended for those who are completely untrained or faint hearted.

How does Mi40 work?
The program contains resistance training workouts with 6-9 exercises each, and each workout lasts about 40 minutes. The majority of workouts include 4 sets, 8 repetitions each; and the last set is an NOS one. ‘NOS’ means Neurological Overload Set, and they are designed to achieve extreme muscle overload. When the muscle overloads at it maximum level, the maximum quantity of muscle fibers break, and this means full muscle growth.

Are there Any Disadvantages?
Are you a wimpy person? Are you really out of shape? You don’t take your training seriously? Do you go to the gym just to socialize? Then, this program is not for you. It is truly effective, but it requires a lot of commitment.
If you are not ready to commit to it, you probably won’t make through the 40 day workout. It requires at least 8 hours per week, and you have to take into account the extra cardio and nutrition. If you don’t have enough time, invest your money on something else.

If you are looking to increase your cardio, you won’t find it on this resistance program. There are much more effective ways to achieve your goal, such as circuit training.

Moreover, this program may imply additional costs, since for it to be truly effective, you should make some changes on your diet. This means that you have to include healthy food and supplements on it, and these are going to be ongoing costs if you plan to train intensely. Therefore, take this extra cost into account before purchasing the MI40 program (or any other fitness one).

Which are the Positive Aspects?
Have you been training hard to get a muscular physique? Are you an amateur athlete who dreams to become pro? Would you like to start a fitness model career or become more attractive? Then, this program is for you. It will effectively work if you work with it.

The exercises on this program are truly effective because they have been designed by an authority on the field: Ben Pakulsky, full time athlete, kinesiologist, pro bodybuilder and certified coach on strength and conditioning. If you ordered him a customized 6 week program from him, you would have to pay over $600.

The program contains useful and practical videos. They are, mainly, 8 hours of valuable instructions from a professional bodybuilder and they show every movement in detail. You won’t have any doubts on how to perform the exercises and these videos will really stimulate you.

You will be amazed with the results of MI40. You only have to stick to the instructions and follow the nutritional guidelines. This program is intense but it does work.

How the Program Truly Works
Watch the videos, do the workouts and eat healthy during six weeks and get the body of your dreams. Sounds a bit simple, doesn’t it? However, it can be a bit more complicated. It is not so easy to follow a fitness program like this.

What is the secret?
You have to commit to it. You have to work with it. You have to want it intensely.
If you have a strong will and you know that you won’t give up, you will see the amazing results of MI40. If you have been going to the gym but you feel it has not been enough, or you don’t have a good tutor or you are not satisfied with the results you see on your body, then this program is what you were looking for.

With MI40 review, you will work harder than ever and, as a result, you will have the best body ever. This is just the way celebrities get in wonderful shape in a very short time. You will gain muscle faster and you will be sturdier.

But, don’t forget: the more you commit to it, the more results you will see. The workout never fails, but you may. Ben is an expert trainer and, with his lessons, you can obtain an incredible body, but you have to follow the program decisively. If you want it, you’ll get it!

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